We have had an excellent start to our school journey and we are loving Primary 1.

We have been focusing on settling in to the school and classroom routines. We especially love break and lunchtime.

We have been learning the numbers up to 10 in numeracy. We had great fun outside playing matching games and writing with chalk on the playground.

In class we have started the Read, Write, Inc. Programme which teaches us how to read, write and spell letters and words. We have enjoyed learning the writing rhymes and using the magnetic boards to spell words. We are all superstars!

Each week we are so lucky to be able to spend time playing outside with our Primary 7 Buddies. They have really helped us to settle in at St. Mary’s and we have so much fun playing tig, hide and seek and other playground games.

At St. Mary’s we know how important play is and we have the opportunity to play in class every day. We can play at the construction area, with the small world toys, in the house, create our own pieces of art and craft and there’s lots of other fun games and toys which we can choose from.

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