This week Primary 7 have again exemplified what it is to be fantastic role models by putting themselves forward very eloquently for a range of leadership roles in the school.

On Monday pupils presented their House Captain Hustings to the rest of the school in the Primary 7-led assembly after working very hard on their campaigns and posters. Then on Wednesday pupils wowed Miss Pritchard and her panel in their Prefect interviews! The panel were blown away by how passionately pupils spoke about their desire to take on a leadership role to achieve the school’s aim of building for success. Good luck to all candidates!

In numeracy we have been focusing on the four operations (+ – x รท) and discussing strategies to work out tricky or larger numbers more easily. In literacy we have been decoding information in texts and have been self assessing our descriptive writing. We have also begun work on a whole class STEM challenge to design an obstacle course for our P1 buddies. Great work Primary 7!

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