Primary 4 are really working hard and learning well!
In Maths, we have been adding 3-digit numbers without regrouping and adding ones to 3-digit numbers with regrouping. We are getting really good at regrouping and using the materials has helped.
We are also learning about symmetry. Today, we folded shapes and marked their lines of symmetry with dotted lines.
In Literacy, we have completed our work on non-fiction books for just now but we’ll work on them more later in Primary 4.
In RE, we prayed a decade of the Rosary and we learned about the different prayers that you say when you pray the Rosary.
We wrote poems about apples on Thursday! We had to think about how an apple smells, sounds, feels, looks and even tastes! We created poems then read them out loud to ourselves, to a friend and then to Mrs Singer! Poems are meant to be read out loud so it was a good way to check that they sounded right. Look out for our display after the October break!
Some of us started to make Roman brooches. These were used by Romans to fasten their clothes as they didn’t have zips or buttons.
Have a great October Week, Primary 4!