On Tuesday we were very lucky to take part in the Primary 7 STEM challenge as part of the Young Stem Leaders Programme which will launch soon. This programme gives older pupils the chance to create activities which inspire younger pupils to take an interest in STEM.  The challenges which the P7s had planned and organised were fun, engaging, physical and educational. We then met on Wednesday to give our feedback. We discussed what we thought went well and what we thought they could do to make it better. Thanks to our P7 Buddies for all of your hard work and for a fantastic afternoon.

Lowen – I liked playing Crate Tig because we had to go to jail.

Emilie—  I enjoyed finding the numbers at the Hula Hoop Run.

Dara – I thought the Balance Beam was the best because I am good at balancing.

Jessica – I think it would’ve been better if we could have chosen which activity we went to instead of waiting in line and following each other.

Damon – I think the Cup and Saucer would have been better if we played it in a bigger space.


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