Primary 4 have been celebrating Scottish Book Week!
We love books in Primary 4. We have a good library with fiction and non-fiction books to enjoy.
At the moment, we have books about saints on the Holy Table.
We have books about electricity on the topic table.
We have been enjoying ERIC every day this week. ERIC stands for Everyone Reading In Class. Even the teachers read their books!
We have designed bookmarks too.
We have worked hard on our reading books by recalling facts and reflecting on our books.
Here are some quotes:
On Roxanne and the Fairy Godbrother:
Fairy Godmothers are long gone and fairy godbrothers are the future. I
On The Quest:
I think that the author was a cartoon lover when he was a kid. A
On Clive Keeps his Cool:
The author thought that it was a good idea to write some of this book as a cartoon. C
Keep reading, Primary 4!