Each week, we reflect on our learning. We think about what we have learned and what we can do now. We update our chart which we display on our door.

Here’s a taste of what we can do now…..

In Maths, we have been working on the 3x and 4x tables. We know that we can use repeated addition or multiplication to work out sums. We used the 100 square on the computer to look at the patterns that the tables make. The 3x table looks like stairs but the 4x table looks like checks.

We made arrays using our counters and we worked out answers by using the arrays or the written tables or the counters. We had good discussions about working with multiplication.

In Literacy, we revised alphabetical order. We arranged ourselves in alphabetical order in our groups. The tricky part is when your name starts with the same letter as your friend! Sometimes you need to look at the second letter or even the third!

Many of us are using Task Maps with our reading books. You can choose which tasks to do. You can choose to explore some more about the text or read and understand or infer what’s not there. If you wish, you can reflect and respond or create something great or even connect four, when you think about how you would be if you were in the story. These tasks help us to think about and understand the story more.

In French, we have been working on colour but we are also revising our personal information. We made posters describing the colour of objects. Every morning, we figure out the date in French and we talk about the weather. It is mostly Il fait gris.

Soon we’ll be learning about Christmas in France!

In RE, we have been learning about Advent and we have created a beautiful display of all our Advent activities!

Soon we’ll be learning about the visitors who came to worship the Baby Jesus!

In Science, we created electrical circuits and we learned about conductors and insulators. We will be carrying out experiments next week to identify conductors and insulators in our school!


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