This week we have been very busy.  We have been continuing with our outdoor learning and this week we have been studying the area we will use for our John Muir project.  The 4 areas that we focus on are to discover explore,conserve and share.  This week we were exploring by observing different sections for the woodland floor and recorded what we could see.

We have been working on a poster about Habit 5 of the Leader in Me programme.  This habit is ‘Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood’.  The children have enjoyed creating a poster that links to some of the other learning startegies that we use in the school.  We hope to share photos with you soon.

As part of our Mary Queen of Scots project we have been drawing pictures of Mary using paintings of her from her lifetime.  We have started with some sketches and we will be trying to create our own paintings.

We have completed our work on multiplication and division and we will be moving onto information handing next.  In literacy we have moved on to learning about pronouns.

Have a good week!

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