Primary 4 have had a short but busy week!
We have continued to learn to multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, 4 and 8. We’re getting really good at it and we’ll be learning to divide 2-digit numbers next week!
We have learned even more about the Winter Olympics! Lots of us enjoy watching the Snowboarding and the Biathlon. We’ll be sorry when it ends on Sunday.
In RE, we have been learning about the Liturgy of the Word. That’s when we listen to the Bible at Mass. We learned how to welcome the Gospel by making a little cross on our heads, lips and hearts.
We practised our readings really well and we led the School Mass on Friday morning!
We wrote Forgetting Stories in Writing. We will self-assess and peer assess them. We had some super ideas and we used our plans to keep us on the right track.
As part of our Water Topic, we learned about fish! We learned lots of Fishy Fun Facts! Did you know that all fish are vertebrates? That means that they have backbones. Fish lay soft eggs in the water and they usually breath through gills.
We even shared some fishy jokes!
What did the fish say to the shark when the shark tried to buy him? This is unofficial!
What do sea monsters eat?
Fish and ships!
Why was the little fish curious?
Because there was something fishy going on!
What’s the most selfish thing in the world?
A shellfish!