Gardening club is back!

This week in gardening club we have planted fruit trees in the front playground. We had to pay careful attention to the position of the trees and had to ensure that we dug deep enough for the roots to fit. We learned that you must pack the soil in tight around the roots, to help keep them upright and to avoid any air pockets at the roots.

We have also started our mission to brighten the playground up with flowers. We have planted daffodil and tulip bulbs. These flowers grow back every year so no new bulbs are needed.

We have enjoyed planting something that will hopefully be around at the school for longer than we are!

In the outdoor classroom we have been doing the heavy work of filling the planters for the infants. We had to start the filling with gravel to allow for drainage and then we moved on to filling them up with top soil. We hope to get the planters filled quickly so the infants can get in and plant some seeds of their own.



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