Primary 4 kicked off the week by participating in the Primary 4 to 7 Black History Month assembly. We had the opportunity to read in front of the assembly as well as ask the guest speaker questions. We had all enjoyed working with others across Primary 4-7 classes

In maths we have been working on the 3,4 and 8 times tables and applying our knowledge to word problems. We made our our times tables card games with our learning partners, snap or a memory game.

During writing we had the chance to read each other’s writing and give each other tips before completing our final draft.

On All Saints day we respectfully participated in the whole school mass. In class we discussed how we can remember people and lit a candle each for someone we wanted to think about.

We we’re all excited to discuss bonfire night and we had some good discussions on how we could keep safe. We then made lovely night sky images with chalk pastels.

  1. We always enjoy PE and keeping active, we hope you enjoy some action shots!
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