Everyone in Primary 4 have super excited this week!
Our Elf returned to the classroom and brought us lots of ingredients to make his favourite Christmas Cookies. We have all made a bag of cookies each to sell at the School Christmas Fayre tomorrow.

We have also made some lovely tree decorations, Christmas stockings and calendars for 2023 We hope to see you all there tomorrow.

Primary 5 challenged us to try out there newly designed board games,  and provide them with purposeful feedback. We had so much fun playing the games!

We all enjoyed participating in the first mass of advent. We had talked about the importance of the advent wreath on the Altar. We are aiming to spread as much hope, joy, peace and love through advent.


Apologies as we forgot to update our photos from our campfire and story telling photos from last week. We had a great time sharing our stories and making s’mores. Thank you for coming.



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