What an amazing first week we have had in Primary 5! Everyone has worked so hard and I’m really proud of you all
Over the next few weeks we will be starting some new subjects and I thought we’d let you know what they are:
- Numeracy – Graphs
- Spelling – We’ll be continuing to explore new sounds and words starting with ‘oo’
- Writing – Information Reports
- Grammar – this changes weekly but next week we are investigating ‘confusing words’
- French – Days of the week and months of the year
- Class Topic – this term it is ‘Living on Earth’
- Health and Wellbeing – Planning for choices and change, as well as focussing on our indicators of Responsibility and Achievement
- PE – Gymnastics
Our weekly timetable of things to remember:
- Tuesday and Wednesday are PE days
- Tuesday and Thursday we have the Outdoor Classroom so please remember to wrap up warm when it’s cold outside!
- Thursday – Music with Mr French for some of you so please remember your instruments!
Homework will be starting up again on Monday. You’ll all be given homework on Monday’s and asked to return it by Thursday’s. You each have a Homework Jotter and all the log-ins that you’ll need are in there. *You can either complete your homework in your jotter or on Teams.
Big well done again for all your hard work this week Primary 5. I hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday