What a fantastic start to the New Year we’ve had in Primary 3!

We’ve started this term by making some great New Years Resolutions for the things we’d like to work on in 2023. Everyone in Primary 3 has worked super hard and should be so proud of themselves.

In Primary 3 we ‘Believe to Achieve’. We’ve decided we’re going to use this phrase to remind us to work hard, have courage and believe in ourselves. This ties in nicely with our school values. In Numeracy, we’ve been learning about multiplication and division and their relationship to each other.  We’ve been having extra practice of spelling and grammar on top of our usual Read Write Ink. We have introduced our new IDL topic, ‘Greyfriars Bobby’.

Just a small reminder:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday are P.E. days. Please remember your school uniform on these days.
  • Homework is issued via Seesaw on Monday and is asked to be returned for Thursday. This includes Read Write Ink reading books.

Well done again Primary 3 on a fantastic start to 2023!


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