P6 have had a busy week. We started our new topic – Europe – and have begun to learn about Flags and country facts. As well as learning about Europe generally, each pupil has picked two countries to research and present to the rest of the class. A P6 team of 4 pupils will be entered into the Euroquiz heats next month, but the whole class will enjoy learning about Europe!
In literacy we have been working on writing our Information Report about Burns Night. We have also been smashing our spelling words and showcasing our numerous strategies which have been helping us in our weekly test.
In numeracy we have nearly come to the end of our work on 12h and 24 h time and solving problems of time durations using a number line.
On Thursday we baked some yummy raspberry and blueberry muffins with lemon icing and really enjoyed eating one in the afternoon too!
Well done P6!