This week in Primary 4 we have been learning about Lent. We have looked at the three pillars of lent prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We all made our own Lenten promises in preparation for Easter.
On Wednesday we were privileged to lead the Ash Wednesday mass. We all read beautifully and should be very proud.

On Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday, which is also known as Pancake Tuesday. We learned the reasons behind this day and enjoyed participating in eating the pancakes . We had to use lots of our measuring skills and had fun making and eating the pancakes.

We have been also learning about how to keep ourselves safe online. We had a good chat about what we enjoy doing online and when being online might become unsafe. We have created our own “keeping safe” rules and together we have made a poster to remind us. We have been using Interland to work through internet safety.


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