As part of their final term enterprise in collaboration with the Parent Council P7 would like to invite everyone from across the school and nursery to a live music event on Friday 28th April.  The doors will open at 6.30pm where there will be music, a raffle and slide coin at the bottle games for adults and children.  There will be some soft drinks and snack available to buy on the night but adults may BYOB.

The band Full Circlewill be performing at the school between 7-9pm.  Christopher Ferguson, our chair of the Parent oCuncil, has been a member of this covers and events band for many years and they have kindly donated their time to raise money for the Primary 7 school camp.  The parent council, for many years now,  have been raising money to ensure that every child who wants to go to camp can get this experience.

The Primary 7 children will be selling the tickets in school.  Numbers are limited so make sure you get your tickets now!

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