Welcome back to all our P1 stars. We are delighted to see everyone back and ready to learn.  What a great first week we have had.
in maths we are learning to tell the time. We made our own paper plate clocks which we used to show different times. We really enjoyed playing time games on the interactive board and working with our talk partners to read o’clock and half past.

We made the most of the Spring sunny weather we had on Tuesday and spent some time in the afternoon at the park. We played on the seesaw, swings and climbing frames. Some of us had fun rolling down the hill.

We had a very exciting event happen in class. A dragon visited the class and left a glitter trail leading to a letter. The letter explained that his Fairyland had disappeared and there is nowhere for the Fairytale characters to live. He asked us to make a Fairyland in our classroom. We are really excited to help. We read Jack and the Beanstalk and decided to make a beanstalk in our classroom for Jack. We also drew and painted Jack, the giant and a cow to add to our display.

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