This week P6 went back in time to 1897 to take our lessons in a Victorian classroom and to see what life was like during Queen Victoria’s reign. On arrival we changed into our school uniform – a white frilly smock for the girls and shirts and waistcoats for the boys. Sitting the girls away from the boys, began our work on the 3 Rs – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic!

We did our ‘rithmetic test on our chalk boards with a chalk board pen. This was hard to read and a little scratchy, but they won’t dry up like whiteboard pens! Next we did choral reading from the whiteboard. Finally we did our handwriting using an inkwell and fountain pen with blotting paper.

For those who were not completely silent with arms folded and eyes facing front, there was a selection of punishments awaiting them. Firstly was the stoop at the front, where you could sit with shame for as long as the teacher wanted you to. Next there was the fidget board that you had to wear under your arms to stop you from moving in your seat. For the left handers, there was the finger stocks which you would put your fingers in and tie it to the back of your uniform to stop you from using your left hand. Finally there was the strap or cane, from which you could receive ‘six of the best’! You could be punished for minor things such as talking, not sitting up straight, moving in your chair, not having your feet flat on the floor, using your left hand or not saying ‘sir’ or ‘miss’ after speaking to the teacher!

Talking partners or group work was completely discouraged! It was fun for us but we all agreed it would not be fun all day long!

After our lessons we enjoyed the museum where we learned about many Victorian household items, artefacts and ways of life that are so different to how we live today. We got to try out  and learn about mangles, bed pans, irons, shoe dolls, hair curlers and more! We all agreed it was  really interesting and fun class trip! However we all left feeling  very privileged to be living in the 21st Century!

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