Last week was another busy week in Tay Class.  Here are a some photos of what we’ve been doing…

All of us really enjoyed playing the glockenspiels:



We have listening to the story and  songs about ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  We played a game on the Phonics Bloom website where we matched the sound to the correct animal. Below ‘A’ and ‘H’ are matching the pictures of baby animals to the pictures of the adult animal.

‘B’ and ‘L’ have really enjoyed playing the keyboard.  They have been learning to wait and take turns.



‘Choose Time’…

‘A’ enjoyed modelling with the plasticine. ‘H’ build a super model with the Duplo and ‘A’ enjoyed playing with a new dinosaur that Miss M. kindly brought in for us.

Trim Trail fun…

exploring, balancing, climbing and running!

‘A’ and ‘A’ learning to share resources

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