
What a fantastic first term we have had in Primary 1S, lots of learning and lots of fun had by all.  Everyone should be proud of their achievements, Miss Stenhouse is super proud of everyone!

This week we have been learning new sounds and have been working on verbally blending sounds together to make words. In maths we have been build numbers in different ways as well as trying to write them down.

Every Monday we attend a school assembly, at assembly and in class we have been learning the 7 habits of being a leader. This week our focus was Habit 3, think Win – Win. We did really well at working together to complete our Win -Win paper characters.

Thursday we enjoyed outdoor learning, we were out in the school garden harvesting more potatoes and identifying insects   .

we took the potatoes back to class and washed them to take home. We talked about how we like to eat potatoes , mashed, chips, roasted and in soup.


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