Wow what a busy 3 days we have had in Primary 5 this week!

We’ve been really busy practising our sounds ‘ey’ and ‘ai’, and we spent some time using our magnetic boards too.

In numeracy we finished off our Place Value topic this week and next week, we’ll be starting Addition and Subtraction. We had a wee quiz to finish off our topics and some of our class became our teachers to help us.

Primary 5 then taught Mrs Wotherspoon something new when we played our first Blooket on Thursday about our class topic, Mary Queen of Scots! It was very loud in our classroom when the quiz was happening, especially since we used ‘Gold Quest’ mode!!

We also spent some time outside in the sunshine with P1S and it was lovely to see all our little friends, and help them with the bikes and scooters!

And finally, we finished off our Friday with some Handball practice for the Handball Festival that we are going to a week on Monday – October 2nd!

A big well done on another fab week Primary 5!! Have a great weekend!!!

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