What a week we’ve had!!
Firstly, it has been ‘Money Week’ in Numeracy so we have focussed a lot of our activities around this. We attended assembly where we listened to our Numeracy Ambassadors tell us all about money week activities and we had a big school discussion about money too.
Mrs Wotherspoon ‘gifted’ us all £150.00 to spend in Tesco and Boots, some of us were club-card owners so got bigger discounts. We had lots of fun doing this activity, cutting and pasting our shopping lists as well as using our subtraction knowledge to calculate how much money we had left to spend.
We also had a visit from Blackburn District Credit Union who explained different ways for us to save our money and we played some games relating to saving too! We all participated really well with this activity and, used our manners and school values with our visitors. There was some great answers about what we would like to learn to save for from Primary 5, some of them were; animals we’d like, university, travelling and gifting it to charity.
We also completed our castles this week finishing up our Mary, Queen of Scots topic. Again everyone worked really well on this, using paper mache, different textures and colours to create and design replica castles of place where Mary, Queen of Scots lived.
And finally we have been learning something really special for our Christmas celebrations. After the summer holidays Primary 5 asked to learn British sign language so we are also challenging ourselves to learn ‘Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer’ in BSL. Watch this space….
Massive well done on a very busy week P5!! Have a great weekend
Mrs Wotherspoon