We have been learning about division this week in Maths. We can recognise that division is the opposite of multiplication and understand division is splitting a number into equal groups. We have been applying this knowledge when completing 3 digit number divided by 2 digit number calculations.  Division is tricky however we are finding strategies to help us before moving on to long division.

In literacy we have been working on our questioning skills for our reciprocal reading, creating quizzes on our non-fiction texts and quizzing our classmates. We have been completing our information report using evidence found online using our digital skills to help us. Our next steps will be to identify the sources of evidence and reference these in our work.

We have been getting into the Christmas spirit early this week by creating our Christmas crafts for the Christmas fayre next week. Keep an eye open for our handy Christmas baubles, they’re sure to sell out fast. We have enjoyed singing along to Christmas songs and can’t wait for more festivities.

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