Our holidays feel like a long time ago as we have been so busy and active in Primary 5!!

Firstly this week, we started off by catching up after our holidays and talking about New Year’s resolutions. We spoke about what we are all excited for in 2024. There were some lovely conversations about holidays, birthdays and, starting new clubs and sports!

We have started our new topic in numeracy this week which is division and, we have learned strategies to help us with this using concrete materials. We have been dividing by 6, 7 and 9.

In literacy, our reading groups started their new books this week. We have been talking about characters, settings, clarifying and researching words that we don’t understand and summarising chapters after we have read them.

We also started our new topic, ‘Weather’ and made posters in our working groups to display this in our class. Everyone worked really well on these and the designs have really brightened up one of our walls. The posters were to show what we already know about weather and what we would like to learn about our topic.

And finally, we have continued with our BSL (British Sign Language) topic and are still doing really well with it. We had a refresh of the alphabet and then learnt how to say some animals. We had lots of fun with the animal signs.

Very well done on your first week back in 2024 P5!! Keep up the good work and have a great weekend

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