It has been a whirl wind start to 2024 in P2.  We have been learning about numbers up to 20 and exploring different ways in which we can complete addition and subtraction calculations.

We used 10 frames which helped us to split numbers in order to make 10 first.  This took a bit of practise to begin with but confidence was high by the end of the week.  We also used number lines and rekenreks to support our mental numeracy skills.

We concluded our weather topic by looking at how to use a thermometer and linking them to the numbers we see on the weather.  We now know which numbers on the map require a coat, and which require sun cream!   We looked at different cloud formations and recreated them using a variety of materials.  The stratus cloud was our favourite.  It is pale grey and covers the whole sky and it was very messy to make!

Have a great weekend everyone and we will see you next week.

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