It has been a very busy week in Primary 5 this week.

We have finished our Graph topic in Numeracy and have moved onto more Multiplication. The class were very excited about this!!

They have all worked really hard at Literacy this week; we have some exciting books in our reading groups – BFG, James and the Giant Peach, The Powder Monkey and Petey! Everyone has also worked so hard learning our new spelling sound ‘sh.’ We started our new Writing Genre last week so have been learning more about that too – Narrative. We will be creating our own stories soon and the ideas that have already been shared are excellent!

The big event in Primary 5 this week is that the class lead our first 2024 School Mass and what a great job they did. We are all so proud of you all; for your singing, participation and respect to others. Massive well done P5!

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