A fabulous end to a busy term in Ness Class. We have really enjoyed our learning with many highlights to share. Our focus on Scotland and Burns led to many exciting learning opportunities and amazing Food Technology sessions. In Numeracy we have been very successful developing our strategies for multiplying- we really like grouping our numbers to help us count on! This will be a good strategy to help in our next learning block which will focus on Division and Fractions. We have also been using our clocks to tell the time. In Literacy, we are reading every day. Mrs Mains and Mrs Hill are really pushing our Reading Skills through Read, Write, Inc. We have also been focusing on Poetry and writing a Biography  about Rabbie Burns. In Health and Wellbeing, we are developing our core strength during Class Yoga, and Mrs McMaster has been putting us through our paces within team games and racquet skills. Each week provides us with different learning opportunities where our pupils lead the learning by planning mini-topics using our Floor book. Enjoy a sample of our learning in pictures below.

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